Project managing a strategic marketing project

Case in brief:

CHALLENGE: Structure the approach to a strategically important marketing project aimed at increasing sales
SOLUTION: Provide structure, method and project management to deliver together in a limited time
RESULTS: Clear project management and a methodology for compiling large amounts of information

Forankra logo

“To produce extensive marketing material on behalf of a customer, Expresso brought with it a methodology and structure that worked very well from day one. With Expresso's energy and its long experience of how best to package this type of information, we were able to achieve an important strategic goal: to strengthen cooperation with one of our most important customers."

Per Englund
CEO | Forankra AB

The challenge

Forankra needed to assemble and give structure to an extensive amount of varied marketing material. It was also extremely important that all data and images were accurate.

Expresso's solution

With clear project management and a solid methodology, Expresso was able to help the customer find the right structure and method for compiling a large amount of marketing information. By planning how the material would be produced, and by coordinating their meetings and workshops, colleagues at Forankra also developed a team spirit and a pride in working together.

Keys to success: A project team composed of experts from different departments who together identified and quality-assured all the content that the project generated.

Expresso's delivery


A clear structure for how the content should be packaged.

Performing Together

reating energy, team spirit and pride in the fact that we did this together, across organizational boundaries and under strict time constraints.

Project management

Planning how the material would be produced and quality assured. Coordination of meetings and workshops.


Forankra has a long-standing partnership with an important distributor where the production of marketing material constitutes a strategically important aspect of the collaboration.

For some time the company had talked to this distributor about jointly producing material for a new product catalog, which the distributor would then offer in its stores and on the web.

Forankra saw the production of this material as a very important strategic activity.

Case - Forankra brand positioning

About Forankra AB

Founded: 1984
Head office: Vårgårda, south-west Sweden
Geographical distribution: Nordic countries
Offer: Forankra is a leading innovator, manufacturer and sales organization that provides products and customized solutions in load securing, lifting and load optimization.
Owner: Axel Johnson International

Forankra logo

Team Expresso 

This project was delivered by Expresso

Do you need help with project managing a strategically important project with many stakeholders involved?