Channel strategy

What is channel strategy?

Trade fairs are getting smaller and no one picks up the phone to answer cold calls, while more and more of the customer journey is taking place digitally. Expresso helps companies find the right channel mix to achieve set goals, tailored to the business's
customer groups.


Pilot study

Clear connection to the company's business plans, goals and strategies

Target group analysis and a simple mapping of the customer journey

Compilation of the company's existing channels for building its brands and generating leads

Analysis and proposals for a sharper channel strategy that generates more leads

Project coordination


  • A document that clearly sets out the channels the company uses today and should use in the future, including when in the customer journey it should communicate with what overall messages and with what content
  • Overall analysis of the changes the company should make in its channel strategy in order to better reach its customers
  • Appendix with the material we worked with to arrive at the channel strategy
  • Delivered in Swedish or English by agreement

Expected results

  • A clear focus on relevant channels for building a brand and generating leads
  • Faster conversion
  • Increased sales

Are you interested in hearing how we can help you grow your business? Get in touch with us and let's talk