Content Strategy & Content Plan

What are your content strategy & content plan?

All companies have so much to say to their customers. But when in the customer journey should you communicate what, and in which channels?


Mapping of existing communication channels
with customers, including main message

Mapping of brand strategy and positioning – what position do we WANT in the market?

Mapping of target groups – what are their problems and how does the company solve them? What are customers paying for?

Analysis of channels, strategies, positioning and target groups that result in a clear communication plan for what, how often, and in which channels we are to communicate

Project coordination


  • A structure for an optimal communication plan demeonstrating which channels the company should use, with what messages, content and frequency
  • If the assignment is linked to a specific activity (launch, acquisition, divestment, listing, etc.), the plan will be very specific in terms of time, target group, message, channel etc.
  • Appendix with the material we worked with to arrive at the customer journey

Expected results




  • Optimal use of the company's various communication channels
  • More relevant, sharper and more homogeneous messages
  • Faster conversion
  • Loyal and satisfied customers

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