Digital Lead Generation

Creating a Growth Engine with digital lead generation

Think and act like a start-up! We establish an automated lead generation process, which over time will fill your salespeople’s inboxes with relevant leads and supply the marketing department with fans, followers and relevant prospects who will buy when they are ready.

Optimize incoming leads in relevant channels through target group analysis and their purchasing journey, your channel strategy and content activity plans.

This is what we do to establish a digital growth engine!

Ideal Customer and  Buyer Personas analysis

Buyers Journey

Channel strategy - based on the customer journey

KPI framework

Training material for employees

Design of one full campaign targetting Ideal customers

Implementation support

Project co-ordination


  • A document clearly summarizing your ideal customers, and target groups, their buyer journey, your channel strategy, and associated KPIs

  • An important part of any growth engine is change management, so training packages for employees are therefore an essential element

  • Structured according to Expresso's clear models

  • Appendix with the material we drew upon for the project and the analysis.

  • Designed according to your visual identity.

  • Delivery in Swedish or English, as agreed beforehand

  • Presented at a 2 hour meeting with employees and partners involved in the project, who sign off on the delivery and begin a discussion about next steps/full activation

Expected results

A lean lead generating process allowing sustainable business growth = sustainable profitable growth. 


Price: From 150,000 SEK

Interested to explore how Expresso can support your business growth? 

Reach out!